High Performance Profiling Sonar

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Introducing the ISP360 Profiling Sonar

The ISP360 is a high-performance mechanically scanned profiling sonar that sets a new standard in measurement precision and range capability.

A highly compact and power efficient 1°/2° profiling sonar, with up to 80 meters range and a 0.35mm timing accuracy. The ISP360 provides sonar imagery with profiler points overlaid on top. 

Unlike an imaging sonar a profiling sonar has a very narrow conical acoustic beam. This is ideal for taking a slice of the surroundings and creating a set of range measurements across the scanned area. As the ISP360 is moved, these measurements can be stacked together, enabling the creation of a 3D points cloud of the underwater environment. 

The ISP360 is depth rated to 4,000 meters / 13,123 feet and is provided in a Titanium housing to enable many years of operation. 

Acoustically the ISP360 can operate over the frequency range of 650kHz to 1.25Mhz using Continuous Wave (CW), Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) or the Impact Subsea Signalling Scheme (IS3).


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The ISP360 profiling sonar utilises a highly sensitive broadband composite transducer, coupled with IS3 Impact Subsea Signalling Scheme to provide excellent precision measurements and range capability. 

The profiling sonar provides a full 360° field of view or a narrower definable sector can be configured by the user.

The acoustic transducer utilises inductive coupling to the profiler electronics which enables operation without the use of slip rings.  This ensures excellent longevity in operation without the need to periodically return for slip ring replacement.

All profiler settings are fully software configurable using the seaView software.  The seaView profiler application is highly intuitive to use for the operator, ensuring range, resolution and other settings can quickly and easily be adjusted.

Alternatively a Software Development Kit (SDK) is available for third party integration and interface development.

Below is an example of ISP360 image data with and without overlaid profiler points.

Raw sonar imageryProfiling Data

Impact Subsea Signalling Scheme

Impact Subsea Signalling Scheme

IS3 Impact Subsea Signalling Scheme uses advanced phase modulation, coding and CHIRP techniques to provide exceptional signal integrity, timing accuracy and range resolution. 

IS3 enables multiple ISP360 profilers to operate in close proximity with minimised interference. This removes the requirement for ‘ping syncing’ traditionally required for multiple mechanically scanned profilers – enabling much faster scanning capability when using multiple profilers and thus decreased survey times.

Pitch & Roll

Optionally available within the ISP360 profilers is a Pitch & Roll sensing capability.

The Pitch and Roll sensing is based on Micro-Electrical-Mechanical-System (MEMS) technology.

Within the ISP360 there are three MEMS based Gyros and Accelerometers. The outputs from each of these MEMS devices are fused together, providing highly stable Pitch & Roll.

Image Gallery



The ISP360 is ideal for pipeline profiling operations.  Providing a 1° conical beam angle at 1.25MHz and 2° conical beam angle at 650kHz coupled with 0.35mm timing resolution enables excellent accuracy. 

Lightweight and small in size the ISP360 Profilers can be installed on Work Class ROVs and Observation class ROVS.  This enables smaller vehicles to carry out profiling that would previously been possible. 

The ISP360 is ideal for trench profiling operations.  Providing a 1° conical beam angle at 1.25MHz and a 2° conical beam angle at 650kHz coupled with 0.35mm timing resolution enables excellent accuracy. 

The ability to trigger on the strongest return enables the ISP360 to operate in areas where there is suspended sediment in the water. 

Lightweight and small in size the profilers can quickly be transported and deployed from a number of deployment areas.

Provides 360° vision around the vehicle up to a distance of 80 meters/262 feet away. The 1° acoustic angular resolution coupled with a minimum step size of 0.225° enables exceptional relative position accuracy to be achieved. 

With IS3 signaling scheme excellent accuracy and range resolution is provided.

The unique inductive coupling of the transducer also ensures the profiler can scan for years without requiring intervention.

The ISP360 is ideal for internal pipeline profiling operations.  Providing a 1° conical beam angle at 1.25MHz and a 2° conical beam angle at 650kHz, coupled with 0.35mm timing resolution enables excellent accuracy.  

Lightweight and small in size the profilers can quickly be transported and deployed from a number of deployment areas.

Monitor the position of assets underwater as you deploy.

Pitch and Roll readings are also optionally available providing a clear understanding of the attitude of the asset being positioned.

The profiling sonars provide a full 360° continuous or sector scan up to a distance of 80 meters/262 feet away.

The unique inductive coupling of the transducer also ensures the profiler can scan for years without requiring intervention.

ISP360 Options

Use this flowchart to find the ideal configuration of ISP360 Profiling Sonars for your application

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