Impact Subsea Unveils seaView 3.1 With Powerful New Features

Impact Subsea has announced the release of seaView 3.1, a significant update to their popular operation, configuration and logging software suite.

seaView 3.1 screen shot of multiple sensors
seaView 3.1 screen shot running multiple sensors.

seaView 3.1 empowers users with a range of new features designed to enhance efficiency and streamline subsea operations.

Seamless Video Integration

A major highlight of seaView 3.1 is the introduction of video support. Users can now directly view and record video streams from any connected video camera within the software.

This allows for a unified view of critical data, including video, sonar, altitude, depth, temperature, heading, pitch and roll, all presented in a single, user-friendly interface.

Synchronised Global Logging and Replay

seaView 3.1 introduces a powerful global logging and replay functionality. This feature enables users to record data from multiple sensors simultaneously into a single file.

The recorded data can then be conveniently replayed within seaView, ensuring all sensor readings remain synchronised for in-depth analysis.

Streamlined Feature Activation with License Keys

seaView 3.1 replaces license files with a more convenient license key system. Users can activate specific features, such as FMD, AHRS, or ECHOGRAM, within a sensor’s firmware by entering a simple one-time activation key.

Performance and Communication Enhancements

Beyond the headline features, seaView 3.1 boasts several behind-the-scenes improvements. The Flooded Member Detection application benefits from performance enhancements, while overall sensor communication has been optimised for increased reliability.

We’ll be adding video demonstrations to showcase seaView 3.1 in action so make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Commitment to Continuous Development

Alastair Mclennan-Murray, Technical Director at Impact Subsea, commenting on the release:

“At Impact Subsea, we are firmly committed to continuous development of our sensor solutions and seaView software.

seaView 3.1 unlocks exciting new capabilities for our users and as always, this update is available free of charge to our entire user base.”

Download seaView 3.1 Today

Experience the power and convenience of seaView 3.1. Download the latest version.

Ben Grant

Ben Grant

Managing Director at Impact Subsea.



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